The New Work Journey: Policies and Operations

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The New Work Environment

Empowering  people to choose how and where they work, plays a part in talent attraction and retention strategies for most organizations.  More than this, it is also one of the ways an organization demonstrates they are in tune with the wants and needs of their people, and show they care.

Our survey supported this, with companies who responded telling us remote work is considered key for attracting (54%) and retaining (62%) talent and it’s a significant feature of the employee experience (60%).

An unsurprising shift to Hybrid

84% of companies surveyed now offer hybrid work arrangements to their people.  During the pandemic many companies switched to a fully remote model and our survey revealed that there has been an unsurprising shift to hybrid working in the last year. This was not a huge revelation as we witness a resurgence of people seeking in-office experiences, alongside the flexibility of home working and employers reinforcing the benefits of in-person connectivity to their business.

Other remote work arrangements offered include temporary remote work (27%) and permanent remote work (24%).

Operationalizing your new normal

When it comes to the practicalities behind implementing a hybrid arrangement, 30% of companies have defined the terms of what hybrid means, giving employees clarity around what they can and can’t do, while allowing them to work across different countries/provinces/states.  This trend is on the rise as 13% of companies are in the process of defining what hybrid means across borders and may likely follow suit.

Quick Tips – Creating a simple remote/hybrid work policy for your people and delivering in an easy to read format, equips your people with the information they need and if you align it to your corporate strategy, they get to understand the Why behind your approach.

How are you operationalizing what remote work looks like in your organization?  Our Survey digs deeper into the ways many companies are seeking to build a connection with their employees whilst applying rigor and governance to what can be a complicated process.

About the author

Aline Kapp

Country Lead Partner | Deutschland

Aline Kapp entwickelt mit ihren Teams Lösungen für unsere Kunden, um Organisationen zu transformieren, die Effektivität der Belegschaft zu verbessern und die Personalrisiken zu managen.

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